Dan Phiffer Each Occupy.here router is a LAN island in an archipelago of affiliated websites. Anyone within range of an Occupy.here wifi router, with a web-capable smartphone or laptop, can join the network “OCCUPY.HERE,” load the locally-hosted website http://occupy.here, and use the message board to connect with other users nearby. The open source forum software […]
Benjamin Freeth, Annika Haas, Prof. John Bowers (Culture Lab, Newcastle University, UK). “Science and technology develop the unknown, not knowledge”. – Paul Virilio Psychoheliophysics is a neologic spasm on the precipice of conceptualisation… it is semi-hollow, a semi-empty container that is ready. It awaits received meaning. Solar escape routes precipitate the future through collective modes […]

Sound happens in the group!
Theremidi Orchestra 4-hour workshop of building DIY electronic instruments developed and used by Theremidi Orchestra. The workshop will be conducted in a free manner and all interactions should be part of the process. Throughout the workshop some contextual historic and technological information will be given in a non-linear fashion. TouchTone is a feedback amplifier system […]

Will Burn This project is an ongoing and potentially infinite series of videos, each of which is unique, self-describing and 10 minutes in duration. As of the 6th of November 2013 the project consists of 38300 videos which have a combined duration of approximately 266 days. Up to date information and a partial archive of […]

Will Burn This project is an ongoing and potentially infinite series of 10 minute videos that features a persistent number (which began as 0) to which 1 is either added or subtracted, based on a 50% chance, 10 times a second. As of the 6th of November 2013 the project consists of 7768 videos and […]

Afroditi Psarra Idoru() is an interactive sound performance that explores wearable technology and the body as an interface to control sound. The project wishes to address issues of body augmentation through the use of electronic textiles, creating an enhanced hyper-body, that generates useful data, that can be translated into frequencies and thus, generate an interactive […]

Peter Edwards “Through a process of improvisation I seek out behaviors which are pleasing to my senses and beyond my ability to fully understand and predict. At this point I am both performer and audience, free to viscerally appreciate the experience as well as drive it forward. I then transform these behaviors into new states […]

MicroFlo: flow-based programming for microcontrollers
Jon Nordby MicroFlo is a flow-based programming runtime for microcontrollers (like Arduino); allowing you to program stand-alone microcontroller projects in a visual manner. In a wider scope, the project aims to explore whether one can make complex heterogeneous and interactive systems easier to understand, develop and verify – by using tools and approaches focused on […]

20 Oscillators in 20 Minutes
Darsha Hannah Hewitt In this performance I challenge myself to build twenty sound generating square wave oscillators in twenty minutes. This involves fabricating small electronic circuits with wires, chips, small components and nine-volt batteries under the pressure of limited time and expectation. This is a test of my technical abilities and an exercise in embracing […]

Product Of The System
Maria Colina Perez, Sergey Dushkin Every society requires a certain ideology. There is no society that is not held together by a single idea the same as there is no individual having complete freedom. Battle ME VS THE SYSTEM is the part of the system itself. By the XX-XI centuries this type of discrepancy has […]