Wolfgang Spahn
The Paper-Duino-Pi is an Arduino shield for the Raspberry Pi. Due to the fact that it is designed as Paper-PCB it is easy to create and one doesn’t need a printed circuit board. All components are standard electronic parts that are easily available at your favorite electronic shop. Plus they are really cheap. All you need are some electronic knowledge and soldering skills.
One can use the Arduino IDE running on the Raspberry Pi to upload programs on the Paper-Duino-Pi. Once you uploaded the Firmata you have easy access to all the in- and outputs of the Arduino controlled by Pure Data, Python or Processing. This way it’s just simple to connect sensores, buttons and potis to control your program running on your Raspberry Pi. It also functions vice versa: connect light, motors, step- and servomotors and control them with the software running on the Raspberry Pi.
One Response to paper-Duino-Pi
PIKSEL13 || RIOT – Open Workshops « PIKSEL says:
[…] it is designed as Paper-PCB it is easy to create and one doesn’t need a printed circuit board. https://13.piksel.no/2013/10/30/paper-duino-pi/ […]